Length Units Converter
You can easily calculate Kilometers, Yards, Feet, Miles, Inches, Nanometers and many other units using the length units conversion tool.
You can easily calculate Kilometers, Yards, Feet, Miles, Inches, Nanometers and many other units using the length units conversion tool.
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The most commonly used international units of length are as follows:
You can easily do the following conversions between each other using our length units conversion tool.
Kilometers (km) - Miles (mi)Inches (in) to Meters (m)centimeters (cm) to inches (in)Feet (ft) to Meters (m)Nanometers (nm) to Inches (in)You can convert more length units with our conversion tool
The measurement units generally used in daily life in America are: inch, foot, yard and mile.
In England, inches, yards, miles, land miles, nautical miles are used as units of length.
1 mile is exactly 1.609344 km.
5 feet is 1.52400 meters.