Miles to Kilometers Converter

You can easily convert units between each other using our miles to kilometers converter tool.


miles --> km

Calculation Results
Calculated miles Value:0 km

Convert Miles to Kilometers

In the metric system of units (SI), 1 mile is equal to 1.609344 kilometers. You can convert kilometers to miles or miles to kilometers with our page.

Miles Kilometers Converter

What is The Difference Between Miles and Kilometers

The difference between miles and kilometers is that 1 mile is exactly 1.609344 km. In addition, the unit of distance mile is widely used in America, Canada and England, while kilometer is used in other European countries and Asian countries.


What is the difference between a nautical mile and a land mile?

Nautical miles are used to express sea and air distances and correspond to 1,852.2 meters. The land mile represents the linear distance between two points and is 1,609.3 meters.